Cubism workshop by The Purple Patch India

A workshop on the most influential ‘ISM’ of the 20th century – ‪#‎Cubism‬.

Follow artwork by famous cubists like ‪#‎PabloPicasso‬ and‪#‎GeorgesBraque‬

Participants will have a hands-on experience of the way cubists worked and will create their own cubist masterpiece with a focus on ‪#‎light‬ and‪#‎shade‬, ‪#‎contrast‬ and ‪#‎tones‬.

The ‪#‎artappreciation‬ session will include a module with a focus on how to read an artwork. During this session we will look into the unique challenges faced by the cubist artists and a ‘new way of seeing’ and depicting the world around them from multiple perspectives.

cubism art

Date – September 20th, 2015
Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm
Venue – B&G, Koramangala
Anyone above 16 is welcome to attend this workshop and the participation fee is Rs.500 (Rupees five hundred) per participant. Prior exposure to art is not necessary.
Please bring along an A4 sketch book (any entry level student grade book), and pencils.

More details –

Pre-registration is needed on [email protected] or call us on 98804-51270.