An Introduction to Calligraphy

Calligraphy is a kind of music not for the ears but for the eyes. It’s a visual art related to writing.

It is the design and execution of lettering with a broad tip instrument, brush, or other writing instruments.

Calligraphy is truly liberating and meditative in nature, and is considered a therapeutic tool.

Bloom and Grow’s calligraphy trainer is a Penkraft certified trainer in Calligraphy and Handwriting Improvement, and has coached young and adults alike. She has conducted a number of successful workshops on this art form.

This year’s International Women’s Day 2020 theme is ‘Each for Equal’, which calls on everyone to work together to achieve gender equality. The events we conduct have proved to be a vital and energizing space for recreation of global professionals and ‘Each for Equal’ resonates with them.