Origami with Urban Ladder

Origami with Urban Ladder

Let’s create
Origami With Urban Ladder

Urban Ladder invites you to its store on the 12th of August, to get chummy with origami. For many of us, origami sparks off pleasant childhood memories. We’ve watched with anticipation as paper rockets zoomed towards our friends or teachers. We’ve sent innumerable paper boats down streams of water, and watched them battle raindrops.

Origami is not just child’s play either. It has found its way into innovation in design, robotics and what-have-you. Aaand.. NASA, no less, is looking for origami experts who can design radiation shielding! Reason enough to get some origami back into your life, don’t you think?

So walk into Urban Ladder’s store at Domlur and savour two hours of this super-fun art form. Facilitators from ‘Bloom and Grow’ will lead you through various origami techniques and help you make your own figures. You’ll discover the meditative joy of folding sheets of paper into intricate patterns. And very likely, you’ll discover that origami is everyday magic you can’t get enough of!

Takeaway: 2 origami figures
Date: 19th Aug, 2017 (Saturday)
Timings: 11:30am to 1:30pm
Fees: Rs 500 per participant (inclusive of material)
Register – bookmyshow.com

About Bloom and Grow: Bloom & Grow facilitates artist led workshops in studios and also, conducts art based corporate workshops across India.