The sketching and pencil shading classes will introduce participants to the fundamentals of sketching and different types of shading. The following will be covered:
Basic types of strokes like:
i) Hatching
ii) Stippling
iv) Shading
v) Scrumbling
The classes will focus on:
A) Learning line fundamentals:
i) Basics of line drawing
ii) Drawing daily objects with contour lines
iii) Learning about cross contour lines and how to use them
B) Learning shape and form fundamentals:
i) Basics of geometric and organic shapes
ii) Drawing a landscape with geometric shapes
iii) Drawing a character with geometric shapes
iv) Learn the basics of geometric 3D form
v) Learn how light and shadow work on 3D forms
vi) Advanced form/highlight and shadow
vii) Finding geometric forms in the human face
viii) Creating a landscape out of geometric forms
C) Learning values and contrast:
i) The value scale and how it works
ii) Drawing still life value drawings
iii) Creating amazing artwork with value contrast
iv) How to choose your values
D) Learning Texture creation on wood, stone, steel, paper, liquid etc
Material Required:
To register, whatsapp on 9900052747
Fee: Rs 3000 for the course
Batch 1: Mon and Fri 11am IST / Batch 2:Tue and Thu 11am IST/ Batch3: Tue and Thu 6.30pm IST
Testimonials by students of previous sketching batch
Note: Recordings of the sessions will be available in case someone cannot attend the classes in between.
To stay updated with the sessions, join WhatsApp group with the link
About Bloom and Grow:
Bloom & Grow facilitates artist-led virtual and offline workshops for individuals and for corporates across the world.