by Sukanya | Mar 28, 2020
Bloom and grow is back with an Acrylic Painting art session with Kshama from Arth by Kshama.
What you need –
- A drawing book preferably A3 size or a thick paper
- Pencil & Eraser
- Acrylic paints (whatever colours you have)
- Paint brush if you have one, else we can use our fingers
- Sponge/ cotton /cotton bud
- Water
- Paper napkin/ rag
- Water pallette or empty container
(Do not stress about the materials. Bring in what you have and just enjoy art as a process)
Date – 29 March, 2020
Day – Sunday
Time – 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
Age – 6 years plus (Adults can do an artwork too)
Link to join –
To stay updated with the online art sessions pls ping us on whatsapp on 9900052747/7259280949
About Bloom and Grow:
Bloom & Grow facilitates artist-led art & craft workshops in studios and also, conducts art based corporate workshops across India.
by bloomandgrow | Mar 11, 2019
Distressed wood photo frame – Beginner workshop in Bangalore
There are times when you want to make something look like it has a little more history than its recent trip from a home store. But who can wait for wood furniture to age naturally and get that distinguished texture and rustic appeal of antique wood. Here is where distressing techniques come into play!
The workshop will cover various techniques to make a wooden frame look like a treasured heirloom.workshop
Participants will begin from scratch and use primer on the wood. One will use candles and layers of colors to create the distressed look on the wood frame in the guided three-hour session.
Chalk paints will come handy to add shades to the frame and get it the look of being weathered and old.
The artist will then steer the participants to the sealing process with an introduction to different types of wax; Antique, clear and white wax would be used in the sealing process of the wood that has been distressed.
We will provide different tips and techniques to use for getting this look with different mediums.
One can use this technique to give a different look to the existing furniture or perhaps to any leftover wood.
Takeaway – Participants go back home with a vintage, weathered photo frame of size of 10*12 inches (oval shape).
Day & Date: Saturday, 6th April 2019
Fee: Rs 1500 per person (Includes all materials)
Booking fee- Rs 500 per person (Balance of Rs 1000 to be paid at the venue)
Venue- Bloom and Grow, Koramangala
by bloomandgrow | Feb 27, 2019
Sand Art Terrarium making – Beginner workshop in Bangalore
Terrariums are the perfect “mini-garden” for busy hands.They can brighten up your living space or office cubicle. It occupies a small place from a spot – on top of coffee table or window sill or kitchen or bathroom window or can be kept at the corner of your balcony.
In this workshop, you will learn to create your own magical world full of beautiful succulent plant in a glass.
It is a perfect combination of nature and art to enliven your place and also easy to care, maintain and long-lasting
Join this workshop and make a perfect gift for your loved ones.
All the materials will be provided at the Workshop
Take away- One beautiful sand terrarium of 4 by 4 inches cylinder shape
Fee- Rs 1350 per person(inclusive all the materials)
Booking Fee- Rs 500 per person (Balance amount of Rs 850 to be paid at the Venue)
Venue- Bloom and Grow, Koramangala.
by bloomandgrow | Feb 26, 2019
Original Stained Glass – Beginners workshop in Bangalore
Just a note at the beginning, this is NOT a workshop on glass painting. This is the original stained glass art where glass sheets are hand cut and soldered with lead and tin to make a piece of art. Tiffany styled lampshades and door and window panels are the best examples of this art form.
In the beginners workshop of stained glass you will learn basic and advanced (basically all forms) of scoring and cutting glass sheets. For eg. straight line, curves, triangles, circles and deeper circular cuts etc. The next step would be grinding of the glass, then Foiling it and finally soldering it to make a two sun-catchers for your balcony/garden.
Beaded wires and hooks will be provided along with your finished pieces. Although the practice cuts will be done on clear glass, we shall be using ONLY original coloured imported glass for your finished piece.
All the materials will be provided at the Venue
Artist- Sarus from Glasshopper
Takeaway -The glass cutting tool with you along with your three finished pieces.
Fee – ₹6500/-(inclusive of all the materials)
Booking fee – Rs 500/- (Balance to be paid at the venue)
Venue – Glasshopper studio, No.55, 1st floor., 1st cross, 4th Main Rd, Hal, HAL 3rd Stage, Defence Colony, Indiranagar, Bengaluru- 560075
by bloomandgrow | Feb 26, 2019
Mandala Art- Beginners workshop in Bangalore
Let’s give a break to our rigmarole life style. For a day let us tune in and become consciously aware of ourselves through a special technique via Mandala Art
In this session, you will also learn the technique to manifest intentions through a mandala painting.
You don’t have to be an artist to experience self-connect! We will be instructing and facilitating you through out the workshop.
Join the workshop to set Intentions & connect with your inner self.
All the materials will be provided at the Venue.
Take Away- a mandala painting made you in the workshop
Fee- Rs 1500/- per person(inclusive all materials)
Venue- Bloom and Grow, Koramangala
by bloomandgrow | Feb 22, 2019
Acrylic Painting Session for Beginners in Bangalore
Sunset in the Snow is such a Glorious view! The gorgeous oranges, pinks, and reds we see staining the sky, at the edge, where dark and light transition, are more dramatic in winter months, when the air is more clear and free from the dulling effects of pollution.
In this session, we will teach you how to paint the beautiful ” Sunset in the Snow” Painting suing Acrylic colors, Brushes as well as a Palette Knife!
Join the Workshop and enjoy the art of Acrylic colors.
All the Materials will be provided at the Venue
Take away- A beautiful painting made by you on Canvas board of size 10*12 inches
Fee- Rs 1200/- per person(inclusive all art materials)
Booking fee- Rs 500/- per person (balance amt Rs 700/- need to be [aid at the Venue)
Venue- Bloom and Grow, kormanagala
by bloomandgrow | Feb 20, 2019
Painting on a Leather Lampshade – Beginner Workshop in Bangalore
Learn the art of drawing & painting on a leather lampshade. This art has its origin from Leather Puppetry.
You will be given a goat leather lampshade, on which you all will be guided to do a free hand drawing inspired by the Charma Chitrakari craft tradition of Andhra Pradesh.
Then you will also learn how paint it & to make decorative perforations.
The light diffuses through the chiseled small holes producing a rich ornamentation against a lit backdrop creating a warm welcome setting.
Join this workshop and Adorn your homes with this lovely piece of functional home decor
All the materials will be provided at the Venue
Take away- a Beautiful Leather table lamp of size 6 inches made by you
Fee-Rs 1800/- per person(including all materials)
Booking fees-Rs 500/- per person(Balance amt Rs 1300/- need to be paid at the Venue
Venue- Bloom and Grow, Kormangala.
by bloomandgrow | Feb 13, 2019
DIY Mini table runner with faux tiles workshop
Join this workshop and make a perfect setting to entertain guests. The combination of faux tiles with the dark wood is so elegant and the rope handle adds to that rustic look.
In this workshop, you will learn –
1. To stain the wood to give a perfect walnut wood look
3. Distressing wood for a vintage look
Participants will use different types of stencils, paints, and brushes for making faux tiles to give elegant look.
Takeaway: Mini table runner of size 6*16 inches to serve snacks for your guests with a pair of matching coasters of size 4*4 inches
Take away- A Mini table runner made by you in the workshop
Fee- Rs 2500 per person(includes material)
Booking Fees- Rs 500/- per person(Balance amount of Rs 2000 to be paid at the venue)
Venue- Bloom and Grow, Kormangala
by bloomandgrow | Feb 12, 2019
Mixed Media Beginner workshop – Make your name plate
Learn to make a customised name plate all by yourself using the following techniques:
1.Distressing of wood – 3 types
3.Learn to use chalk paints
4.Make your own texture paste
5.Learn to use stencils with texture paste and paint
6.Basic stamping with Archival inks
7. Basic carpentry to drill holes and fix the planter
You also contribute to the society as we use upcycled plastic/glass bottles as planters in this project.
Artist & Instructor – Rupa Swaminathan
Takeaway – A ready to hang 6 X 16 inches nameplate with a planter is yours to take
Day & Date – Saturday, 2nd march 2019
Time – 2.30pm -6.30pm
Fees – Rs 2500/- per person (includes all material and taxes)
Booking Fee- Rs 500/- per person (balance amt rs 2000/- need to be paid at the venue)
Artist & Instructor: Rupa Swaminathan
Bloom & Grow facilitates artist-led art & craft workshops in studios and also, conducts art based corporate workshops across India.