Travel to North East India/ Scotland/ France – Global Kids Training Program


Setting out on an adventure to a new place as we learn about folklore, history, traditions, food, and music. What is this program about? The Program is meant for kids (8-12 years) to help them unravel the world around us in times of no or less travel. One country/ region will be chosen for 1 […]

Zumba Free Trial Class (Online Session)


Zumba Free Trial Class with Namrata Sinha (Online-live Session) Register for trial here - Perfect for our younger Zumba® fans! Kids 5-12 years old get the chance to be active and jam out to their favorite music. How It Works Zumba® Kids classes feature kid-friendly routines based on original Zumba® choreography. It is easy […]

Rubik’s Cube Online Classes


This course is about getting you to solve the most famous puzzle in the world, Rubik's cube. If you tried to solve it in the past and failed, worry not... you will be guided step by step through unique methods. By the end of the course you will be able to solve the Rubik's Cube from any […]

Fluid Art Online Workshop for Beginners


We have a Fluid Art Workshop, which is an intuitive form of art that is very captivating and gaining popularity amongst artists and amateurs alike. A fun painting technique that involves flowing acrylic paints resulting in mesmerizing works of art. We shall explore various techniques of acrylic pouring like ribbon pour, swirls, flip cup, strainer […]

Sketching and Pencil Shading Online Course


Our curated course offers a structured curriculum spanning 12 days, covering a wide range of topics to build a solid foundation in sketching and pencil shading. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect: Day 1: Introduction to Sketching and Pencil Shading - Understanding different pencil grades and techniques - Exploring basic strokes and shading […]

Acrylic Painting – Online Session


We are going to ditch the brushes and paint with our fingers. Feel more connected with your canvas and paints. Watch your paintings flourish with life when you follow simple finger painting techniques that let the paint do the work. Get your fingers in paint and create your masterpiece. So take an art break with […]

Watercolor Still Life Classes (Advanced sessions)

We commence a 10-sessions in-depth still life course. It's an art form that shows inanimate objects from the natural or man-made world, such as fruit, flowers, baskets or bowls. Through the program, we'll cover key topics such as : • Understanding textures • Layering • Color mixing • Color harmony • Color perspective • Use […]

Acrylic painting – Online Session

Acrylic paints are one of the most versatile and exciting art mediums for beginner painters. Participants will be guided through the course to understand LIGHT and FORM, MIXING of colors, applying LAYERS of colors to get the exact subject, COMPOSITIONS, and much more. Materials required: Canvas board  OR canvas pad OR Thick drawing sheet  – […]

Color Pencil Sketch (12-days Online Course)


Color Pencil Sketch - A 12-Day Online Course • Types of colour pencils • Properties of coloured pencils • Advantages and limitations of color pencil • Understanding the Color chart • Highlight and shadow fundamentals • Colors and tones fundamentals • Blending fundamentals • How to draw and colour fruits • How to draw and […]

Resin Art – Beginners’ Offline Workshop in BANGALORE

Resin is a two-part compound that hardens to give a clear and glossy finish. You can either add paints to the resin and then create a painting. Alternatively, you can paint first and then pour the resin over the painting to create the finish. What all will be included in the workshop? Things to know […]